Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Three babies and a puppy later

Darling Golden Retriever puppies.     Photo: Elin Kile
 I used to be really active on the blog.. then I had a baby, then a new puppy, then another baby and then yet another baby! So needless to say I have been rather inactive here on the blog for the past five years. I hope this will change now, since I have some quite exciting plans for the near future. 

 In these times of Covid-19, a lot of people have gotten puppies, while at the same time puppy classes have been scarce. This I believe has left a lot of new dog owners and young dogs in desperate need fore some online help! This is where I come in. I figured that I will write a series of posts about the different basic things all dogs and their human should learn. Hope you guys will like it!