The puppies are now allowed outside to explore a bit after feeding. Here is one of the male puppies (Mr Grey). |
Just thought I'd come with a small update.. The puppies have now become 5 weeks old and we have decided to get one of the male pups. There are five male pups in this litter. Whichever one will be ours, his name will be Link, like the main character in the game Zelda. We've been visiting the pups 1-2 times a week since they were 2 weeks old, which has given us plenty of opportunity to get to know the individual pups as well as the mother and I feel safe to say that whichever pup will be ours we will be happy with it. The litter is very even, both in size and temperament. None of the small differences there are between the individuals are problematic in a way that would make me say that I wouldn't want that puppy.
The color of the puppies in this litter varies from almost white (female puppy in front, Miss Pink) to dark golden (male in the back, Mr Purple). |
The pups have already met people of different ages and seem to be very friendly, trusting and inquisitive towards people. None of them lag behind when allowed into new spaces or show any fear when introduced to new things. They all seem to have a healthy dose of self esteem.
"No kisses!" My boyfriend and one of the male pups (Mr Blue) cuddling. |
I've checked the puppies teeth, ears, paws and bellies without them even fighting it a little, they are fine with everything (even though, being puppies, they don't have the longest patience) and they all appear healthy to me.
Even though I don't know if he will be ours, I must admit that the pup with the green collar is one of my favorite puppies in the litter. Here he is wagging his tail so fast while greeting Mads that the tail is just a blur. |
This post became very technical... What I really should say is that I can't wait to get my puppy home! I've bought everything the pup could ever need (and then some) and I've already started puppy proofing our home. I don't think I've ever been so excited about anything! I'm getting my own dog! Just three more weeks to go...
Me and the last of the five male pups in the litter (Mr Light Blue). |
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