I have written a few breed description here on the blog. Unlike information you get from breeders or breed clubs, I try to stay neutral in my description of the breeds, making sure to also write about the health status of the breed. If you listen to almost any breeder of any dog breed they will tell you that their breed is perfectly healthy and wonderful family dogs. However, this is seldom the whole truth. I believed that you should make an informed decision when getting a dog and therefor I do what I can to get the information out there.
Here are the ones I've written so far:
Golden Retriever
Border Collie
Siberian Husky
English Springer Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Miniature Schnauzer
I have several therapy dogs, one has over1000 visits. I like your You Tube video on mental preparing the dog. I think you need to point out that a therapy dog should never be iff leash, left alone and by health standards in a fqcility are not permittef in food areas