Saturday, May 19, 2012

Resisting the "any-dog"

This puppy was born at a good friend of mine and being a pure bred Siberian Husky did not risk ending up in a bad home. For me it was hard to resist the temptation to get a SH when these puppies were born, but me and my boyfriend had already decided on what breed to get, a Danish Swedish Farmdog. It is easy to understand why people get dogs without planning to when you see this little guy. All puppies are adorable, even the ones that are free..
I'm waiting and waiting. And then waiting some more. Sometimes it seems like the waiting will never end.
What am I waiting for? I'm waiting for the perfect puppy. As I already mentioned in a post, the breeder we're gonna buy a puppy from used a male related to the male we're planning to use if we ever breed from our future dog, so we can't buy a puppy from that litter. And thus we are again waiting for the next litter. Sometimes I'm so tempted to just adopt a dog from the animal shelter or a dog that is re-homed privately. Basically any dog will do! But then I come across some puppies that are given away for free.. and I start thinking. I do not want to support people that have no plan for their breeding. And even if those puppies are given away for free and hence the breeder doesn't earn any money, me taking one of the puppies makes it possible for that "breeder" to be that irresponsible again, since he/she didn't have to keep it or even worse put that puppy down, which might make him/her think twice about doing that again. Also I think about what kind of people will get these puppies. It is not likely to be people that have been planning to get a dog, or that will be willing to spend the money they should on good dog food and veterinary care. It is quite clear that if you don't pay for an item (sorry to use this word about a dog) you are not likely to take good care of it. This is painfully clear when it comes to cats, that are often given away for free. When my cat was ill and I took her to the vet (she got well again) and I told friends about this, they asked me why I would spend that much money on a cat, it would be cheaper to get a new one(!). They said this in such a matter-of-factly manner that they clearly didn't think of cats as living beings, but as things. Things that you could just replace with new things. And that is the fear I have for these poor puppies that are given away for free. They will be more than averagely lucky if they end up with owners that will take proper care of them. And this is why I wait. Because I know that the breeder I will buy from makes sure that all the puppies born under her care ends up in good homes. And that is the kind of breeder I wish to support.

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