I present to you, the worlds cutest and most wonderful puppy, Link! |
One week ago, I brought my puppy home and on Tuesday he will be 10 weeks old. It feels like he has been here much longer, in a way it feels like he has always been here. I've had this week off from work, to get Link settled in. We've already done tons of stuff, but I've tried to limit the new experiences to one a day, so not to stress the puppy. Of course, the first couple of days everything is new. This is probably why Link slept relatively little the first two-three days. He slept maybe 30-45 minutes at a time, now he sleeps 1-2 hours at a time, sometimes longer. He has been able to sleep the whole night since the third night here. So far he has only peed inside two times. So far so good :)
Link sitting on command. |
Link has already learned so much! He knows sit, down, and come, and he is learning stay. He is really well behaved when we meet new people, sits down when they approach and greets them calmly and with a wagging tail. So far he has not had any frightening experiences. This is also due to the fact that nothing seems to scare him. We live rather close to an airport so several times a day airplanes fly over us at low altitude, something that Link seems more fascinated by than scared. He just sits down and look at the airplanes, if he cares about them at all. We've also met many different kind of dogs, small dogs like the neighbor's Bichon Havanais puppy Daisy and large dogs like the two Bernese Mountaindogs down the street. Some of these meetings have resulted in play others with the older dog just not being very interested and Link trying to get them to play. I can tell that he really is on a puppy license, the older dogs let him get away with almost everything.
First time we met Daisy. |
I believe it is very important to socialize your dog from an early age, but take care not to expose your puppy to diseases it might not yet have gotten its vaccines for. In Norway most people get their dogs vaccinated every year (or every three years depending on the vaccine their using and what diseases their dog is exposed to). So I feel safe to let my puppy meet and play with the dogs on our street. And I know for certain that the two dogs we've met on several occasions, Daisy (the Bichon Havanais puppy) and Scott (Mads' family's Danish Swedish Farm Dog) have all of their vaccinations.
"Uncle" Scott showing Link that you can trick the humans into giving treats by sitting down in front of them ;) |
I've brought Link to work last Thursday to get him used to being there and sleeping there. He will come with me to work the days that Mads can't be home with him, starting Monday. It went really well when we were there on Thursday, I sat with him until he was about to fall asleep and then left him. He didn't make any noise, not even when he woke up and I wasn't there. If things continue to be this easy, Link is the least difficult puppy in history! I can't believe my luck, that it was Link that became our dog.
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