Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Babysitting Tula the Longhaired Dachshund

Beautiful Tula.
I watched Tula last night, a longhaired standard dachshund belonging to a friend of mine.
While being one of Link's closest friends, she is also a proper diva, and will not tolerate any rough playing or impolite approaches from Link. She told him off immediately when she came through the door. Link, as usual, tried to get her to play the second he saw her.

Link: Wanna play? Tula: No.
Link: Lets see if she'll be impressed if I show her my "turn off and on the kitchen light"-trick.
Tula: What are you doing!? Stop that!
Link: Oh, ok... 

 After a while she warmed up to him and even started flirting with him. She appears to be going into heat soon. She never usually flirts with Link, and also she liked my boyfriend last night. When Tula isn't in heat she is afraid of my boyfriend, but last night she was happy to see him, something than only happens when she is in heat.

Link and Tula watching people walking by our apartment.
 The whole playing/flirting got an abrupt end when she peed on the floor... I was not exactly thrilled. Link on the other hand loved it. I certainly hope I was able to clean away all the smell, otherwise this might turn into a reoccurring problem. Apart from that little accident, it was an entertaining evening. I just love observing and taking pictures of dog language.

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