Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Obedience competition

As usual in obedience competition, the best dogs were the Border collies.
At the dog show, there was also an obedience competition. I didn't have much time to watch, since I helped Kari to handle her dogs in the show ring, but here are some pictures from the competition.

This rottweiler did a very good job, from what I could tell.

These two seemed to have a lot of fun together, but this just wasn't their day.

Even though the border collies I saw was definitely the best dogs in the competition, the dog below, a 2,5 year old Chinese Crested Powder Puff male called Shakir, was probably the one I'll remember best. He didn't exactly hurry.. He walked happily but slowly and did most of the stuff he was supposed to. But when he came up to the part where he was supposed to run back to his owner and jump over a jumping obstacle on the way, he just walked up to the obstacle, and stood there, looking at his owner. After a while he suddenly realized what he was supposed to to, jumped, and walked to his owner. The judges actually gave them 6,5 points (out of 10) for that performance, and the audience applauded happily :)

The star of the show ;)


  1. Hi!
    Nice to read your blog!
    The chinese is a 2,5 year old male, - his named Shakir. It was our first competion, and we hope to do better next time. Both of us enjoyed it very much, so now we have to keep up training.

    Best regards from Anne-Britt and Shakir.

    1. Hi :)
      I really thought that Shakir was the star of the show! Working with dogs is all about having fun together, not winning competitions (in my opinion), and the two of you really seemed to have fun together! He was so adorable! I will change all the "she" to "he" now that I know better. It's just a bad habit I have, having had mostly female dogs around me.

      Good luck with training and hope you have lots and lots of fun!

      Best regards Elin
